Cameo Lockets: Memories of Days Gone By

Growing up I didn’t know my grandparents. The last of them passed away when I was a baby. By the time I turned four, my parents had divorced and my mother later married my stepfather. With this addition to the family came the two most wonderful step-grandparents in the world.

cameo lockets

They lived far away from us, but I would spend my summers and Christmas with them. We were very close. When I was fourteen, my grandmother passed away. She lived a really good and long life, but this didn’t prevent me from being very distraught. I felt as if she had been taken from me unjustly. My grandfather was very much still in love and felt the same way. He used to say he was waiting to join her. Not long after her passing, he did. After the estate was squared away according to his will, I went to visit my stepfather. He had kept quite a bit of his dear mother’s possessions and offered me my choice of the precious trinkets. There were several things that caught my eye, including her pearl necklace and an amethyst pendant, but the one thing that really grabbed my attention was a cameo locket she had worn often. I picked it up and examined her once favorite piece of jewelry.

As I looked at my grandmother’s cameo closely, I opened it to reveal an old photo of my grandfather as a young man. There was no longer any question; I wanted the same cameo locket that had rested next to my grandmother’s heart to rest next to mine. I have had this cameo necklace for 20 years now and it still is my most prized possession.