Where Do Loose Diamonds Dome From?

Loose diamonds are definitely Mother Nature’s way of telling us she is sorry for all of the natural disasters andLoose Diamonds other horrible events that have plagued the world. A natural diamond is formed within the earth. Although man has figured out a way to replicate these gorgeous stones, they were originally discovered in the ground.


Loose diamonds travel a very long way in order to reach the surface of the earth for all of us to enjoy. Over 100 miles beneath our feet, carbon atoms are exposed to extreme pressure and heat, which allows them to form very strong lattice bonds. These bonds are what make diamonds so hard. After the diamond is formed, it is thrust toward the surface of the earth via volcanic eruption. This brings them closer, but not necessarily sitting atop the earth, so miners still have to dig for them. Once the miner finds the stones, he sends them off to a professional who can cut and polish the stone into the beautiful certified loose diamonds we see in jewelry stores today. These loose diamonds sure do come a long way in order to be appreciated by us humans. Next time you see one, keep this in mind.