A Brief History of Men’s Jewelry

The percentage of the jewelry that is sold to or for women is astronomical. What if I told you however that wasn’t always the case? Could you believe that throughout history men actually wore as much jewelry as women, if not more? I’m not just talking about the mostly forgettable decade of the 1970’s, either, when what was passing as fine jewelry for men seemed to consist of a hundred gold necklaces draped over too much chest hair. No, the world of men’s jewelry goes back much further than that.

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Keep in mind that the first uses of jewelry were either ceremonial, for priests to wear during religious events, or decorative to show the power and wealth of pharaohs and kings. Throughout most of history those two categories were populated by men. The tradition of sailors (and all sailors, not just pirates) wearing a gold hoop was based on practicality as much as fashion: if they were to pass away while not at home, the earring would be the payment for the funeral.

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Now men’s jewelry is more popular than ever. Visit any professional jeweler and you will see that the selection of affordable jewelry that is designed for men takes up more space than you might imagine. This isn’t to say it’ll overtake women’s jewelry anytime soon, but you’d be surprised just how many options there are out there.

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