Browsing Engagement Rings Will Be Fun!

When you decide that the lady you are dating should be called your wife instead of girlfriend, you will have a very exciting time ahead of you. Not only will you be consumed with planning the perfect proposal, but you will also be visiting many jewelers in order to sort through countless engagement rings for the perfect one. Your lady has never spoken of her ideal ring, so you certainly have your work cut out for you. A good jeweler will help you along every step of the way. From the moment you walk into the door until you have placed the ring on her finger, your jeweler should give you guidance and help you choose the perfect ring for her to wear for the rest of her life. Since diamond engagement rings are no small purchase, it would be wise to gather some evidence before venturing out to the jewelry store.

Diamond Engagement Ring Concord NC
First things first: Figure out her ring size. This is the most crucial part of the ring. If it does not fit, she will not be able to wear it! Heaven forbid the engagement ring is too small or large and it has to go back to the jeweler in order to get re-sized so she can wear it. In the days following the proposal, people will ask to see the ring and she will not be able to produce it because it is at the jewelry store being fixed. That does not sound like something you would want to deal with! This is an easy fix. Hopefully she has a ring that she wears on her left ring finger for you to borrow for a few minutes. Simply take it to your jeweler and have them measure it really quickly, then put it back in her jewelry box. She will never even know it was gone.  So, don’t lose it!

The final part of your engagement ring adventure is finding the style and color she prefers. If she thinks gold is tacky, then you have narrowed your options down to platinum or silver. If she enjoys super lavish diamonds, then a halo around the center stone will give it more pizzazz for her to gush over. The possibilities are endless when choosing the perfect engagement ring for her. At the end of the day, the ring should be one she falls in love with immediately and one that fits nicely in your budget.

Bracelets Can Contain Diamonds, But Certainly Do Not Have To

Bracelets are popular jewelry pieces for women because they accent every outfit so nicely. They are also one of the first things someone notices about you when they go to shake your hand. Bracelets can come in a plethora of shapes and sizes and also have various themes. Some have lots of charms on them. These charms usually represent a facet or hobby of your life.
Unique Bracelets Concord NC
You can constantly change the look of the bracelet by adding, subtracting, or substituting charms. Diamond bracelets are always popular among the ladies because they contain diamonds! Not just any lady receives these gifts from her beloved. When your man gives you a bracelet containing diamonds, you know he is a keeper for sure! Lots of men think they are off the hook when it comes to purchasing diamonds when they propose marriage with a diamond ring. However, this is not the case. Women accept diamonds any time of the year for any occasion.