Remembering Yesterday with Class Rings

I remember one of the last nights I was in high school. Two of my best friends and I, whom I had known since kindergarten, went out to have dinner and play miniature golf. At the end of the night, we were standing in my driveway talking about how this was one of the last times we might ever do this. Graduation was around the corner and in the fall we were all going to different schools to study different things. Change was coming.

That is a common theme when it comes to the end of high school. “This is the last time we are ever going to…” and you can fill in your own blank. The truth is, though, that it is also the first time. It is the first time that most people recognize that they are part of something larger, of a group that helped them grow into the person they eventually become. That is why class rings are so important.


Years after the graduation, after you have moved away, met someone special, got married or settled down, the class rings that you and your friends have will serve as a talisman to remind you of that time in your life. The first time you realized that it might be the last time you did something with people who meant so much to you.